Sell, recruit, retain

SELL! This is the number 1 priority of any business venture! But communication helps to sell. And video communication helps you even better! Find out how you can make your video investment grow.

Sell, recruit, retain

Online video helps sell, so take care of it!

Sell, recruit, retain

However, for your videos to earn you more than they cost you, it is better to know good practices!

3TOON can be at your side to optimize your chances of return on investment. If you choose new media to help you sell better, our studio never forgets that behind the sexy, funny and attractive program that we produce for you, the objective is to generate turnover

Tell a good story to…

SELL! Telling a great story is not a brand’s role. And yet yes! A brand that sells well is one that has found THE right story to tell its customers… Because in fact, that’s all they buy!

Attract attention and seduce

Advertising buyers know how expensive it is to get the audience’s attention and be heard. So make the story you tell worth hearing, because the modern consumer has developed an extraordinary ability to filter and not hear the messages that bother them!

Indeed, this is precisely the role of the good story: to touch the hearts of the public , to ensure that they consider the brand with not only interest but benevolence, or better yet, with desire…

Transform indifference into desire

Desire is the irresistible force that is capable of bringing to its knees all objective reasoning, all scientifically indisputable comparisons, all financial difficulties.

It is by imagining the right story, for your audience, that desire can be created and maintained. If you want to hit the mark and provoke the positive emotion that will transform the public into customers, you need a partner who is a specialist in history. He will be able to guide you in writing your storytelling and especially its transformation into a video. With the concrete result of a film serving your turnover.

Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes

You know how to describe your company’s mission, your offer, your competition, your target… very well. But do you know how to address your prospect? Ask yourself the questions he might ask himself?

Our years of experience have made us understand that companies are often good at talking about their products, but not always presenting themselves as providers of solutions. The reason is that they do not put themselves in the place of the end customer, who first seeks reassurance that your product or service will meet their needs.

Videos focused on the end user

In order to sell, you must first put yourself in the shoes of your target audience, in order to have the arguments that encourage them to place an order.

When writing the script for your film, the role of our studio is to constantly put the focus back on the end customer, to maximize the conversion rate.

Reach beyond your target

An animation is more likely to be shared, compared to other types of videos. Indeed, good animation can arouse powerful emotions thanks to its graphics and its particular storytelling.

This virality effect allows you to gain visibility and traffic which, in turn, can convert into the acquisition of new customers.

The usually short and punchy format of animated films promotes virality, and thus the visibility of your product. This way you are likely to reach a greater number of prospects.

Build loyalty among your existing customers

Acquiring a new customer is much more expensive than trying to retain an existing customer.

To encourage your customers to reuse your services or products, consider maintaining their loyalty to your service or product by sending them a cartoon.

Benefits of a loyalty video:

  • remember your customer fondly.
  • ensure that your target maintains a positive image of your brand.
  • increase your conversion rates, because a well-designed cartoon allows virality.
  • Virality allows you to increase awareness of your product or service beyond your existing customer base.

Because you know that there is no better customer than a recurring customer

Choosing the Right Video Partner

You can of course trust your instinct and choose the agency that will produce your video, based on a crush. (This is how the story of 3TOON began in 1999…) However, most often, the right choice is made by checking a few basic criteria. You can use this summary, but essential, checklist to help you choose the producer of your video.

  • check the producer’s portfolio, judging the quality of his previous achievements
  • once contact is made, does the service provider understand your needs and expectations?
  • Does he spontaneously ask you questions about your planning and production deadlines?
  • can he reassure you about his production methods?
  • Does it present you with authentic customer testimonials?
  • Is the proposed budget in line with your possibilities?
  • Are you completely satisfied with the quality of your exchanges with him?

If all the lights are green, your project can be launched!

Besides, what if you started by giving us a quick phone call ?

Contactez 3TOON pour une demande d'information

How 3TOON helped its clients sell… in 6 examples

Contactez 3TOON pour une demande d'information

3TOON Studio

Founded in 1999, 3TOON is a French animation studio. As pioneers of web animation, the studio has produced 300 videos to date for prestigious clients, including the largest French companies and government administrations, as well as numerous startups and SMEs that have used our animations to grow their businesses. Contact us to discuss your project.


    Air France - La boutique en plein ciel


    Air France fait la promotion des ventes à bord de ses avions avec ce tour du monde en dessin animé.

    La Poste et sa filiale Maileva - la tétralogie


    La Poste commande 4 dessins animés pour une gigantesque opération d’e-mail marketing sur 300 000 contacts professionnels.

    Spot télévisé Société Générale


    Spot télévisé pour une campagne de communication sur le partenariat “assurance” réalisé avec le groupe Axa.

    Sanofi Aventis - Adieu le palu !


    Sanofi Aventis lance une campagne de prévention du paludisme à l'aide de ce dessin animé éducatif sous forme de conte musical.

    EDF - Lumière sur la facture


    EDF met les choses au point au sujet de sa nouvelle facturation en euro...


    Dessin animé 2D


    Pureté de la ligne et des couleurs pour un message synthétique et direct.

    Animation 3D - images de synthèse


    L’image de synthèse offre toute la liberté permise par l’animation, en y ajoutant un degré de réalisme proche de celui des prises de vues réelles.

    Motion Design


    Le motion design est avant tout un style d’animation qui combine des éléments visuels, du texte et des effets sonores pour raconter une histoire ou communiquer des idées complexes.

    Cartes animées


    Les cartes animées restent toujours aussi populaires auprès des internautes grâce à la personnalisation qu'elles offrent, surtout quand arrive le moment de souhaiter la bonne année.

    BD (Bandes Dessinées)


    Grâce à la BD, votre message peut toucher votre public par un média différent et vous améliorez ainsi la couverture de votre communication.


    Objectif VENDRE


    VENDRE ! C’est la priorité numéro 1 de toute entreprise commerciale ! Découvrez comment vos vidéos peuvent vous y aider.

    Objectif INFORMER


    L’animation en ligne est un moyen efficace de relever les trois défis de la transmission d’une idée. En effet, comment être sûr que votre message soit à la fois perçu, compris et accepté ?



    Pour faire décoller le chiffre d’affaires, et devenir une marque de référence, il est crucial de développer sa visibilité ! Voici une check-list qui vous permettra de l'obtenir pour votre marque.

    Objectif E-LEARNING


    Vous êtes sur le point de lancer votre offre de e-learning, et vous voulez qu’elle se démarque de la concurrence et atteigne un niveau supérieur ? Alors l’animation est la clé pour y parvenir.


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  • Do you have a video project?
    Contact us to make it happen!

    Let's discuss your project.

    Reach us at +33 972 30 20 50, via email or use our Contact Form to get a quick QUOTE.